Sunday, May 8, 2016

YouTube make money

I am going to tell about how to make money from YouTube. You can make money using YouTube by upload unique video and need to optimization your video. You have needed to create YouTube account and upload video on your account .When people view your income will not start. You have need to monetization 
make money from YouTube

on form your YouTube account. Invite people to view your video and like comment and subscribe. When the people click advertise on your video you will earn. So you need to do it.  Your earn depend on people click on your video that advertise show Google on your video.
                                   How to Rank you YouTube video
You have need to make video and research keyword using Google keyword planner. Most important for you need to chose at last 500 monthly searches keyword and 5,000 or less “exact`` matches on YouTube and 10,000 or less matches on Google.
YouTube make money from home

Say the keyword in the first and last 10 second of the video. Save the video file using keyword. When you upload your video just update the title to something catchy. Write a 250-350 word description preparing the text with your keyword. Write 4 or 7 keyword at the bottom of the description. 

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